Antibiotics for strep throat | HealthInfi - HealthInfi | We Secure Your Health

Saturday 25 November 2017

Antibiotics for strep throat | HealthInfi

Antibiotics for strep throat

Many kinds of pathogenic organisms penetrate into the human body through the respiratory tract. When the throat mucosa and the lymphoid tissue are infected, person is difficult to swallow or speak, feeling scratchy throat and cough.
The most common infection of the upper airways is pharyngitis or tonsillitis. In order to prescribe proper treatment course it is important to determine etiology of the disease. The fact is that throat can be infected by both viruses and bacteria. However, one can distinguish between viral and bacterial infection by the dynamics of symptoms. For instance, symptoms of viral infection tend to progress gradually within a few days. The first sign of viral infection is scratchy throat, followed by painful swallowing which is increased within few days. The day or two days after that, person experiences cough, runny nose, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and fever.
Inflammation of the throat caused by bacterial infection, progresses quickly within few hours. Bacterial infection of the throat is characterized by: fever, inflammation of the tonsils, enlarged lymph nodes, severe sore throat. Herewith the throat becomes red with white or yellow plaque on the back wall. But symptoms of viral infection (such as runny nose or cough) are absent.
The most common bacterial infection of the throat is streptococcal infection (strep throat). Improper or delayed therapy might provoke strep throat complication in form of glomerulonephritis. Read More

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