Antibiotics For Acne | HealthInfi - HealthInfi | We Secure Your Health

Saturday 25 November 2017

Antibiotics For Acne | HealthInfi

Antibiotics for acne

Different medicines can be prescribed to cure acne, including such medicines that have antibacterial and bactericidal effect. Severe acne treatment involves peroral administration of antibiotics or therapy with injectable antibiotics. However for symptomatic treatment of severe acne, doctors also prescribe topical antibiotics (gels, creams and ointments).
At the initial stage of antibiotic therapy of acne, high doses of antibiotics are prescribed, followed by gradual decrease of their dosage. Significant therapeutic effect of antibiotic drugs is achieved within 5-7 days. Herewith one should note that severe forms of acne require a long-term treatment, with possible duration of several months.
In long-term treatment of acne, different groups of antibiotics help:

• To inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands;

• To reduce the number of irritating substances, synthesized by white blood cells;

• To reduce the concentration of free fatty acids in the surface layers of the skin;

• To stop the inflammatory process and achieve quick regress of inflammation in the deep layers of the skin.
Usually antibiotics are administered to cure severe acne. Still some patients are prescribed antibiotics for the treatment of moderate acne too, but only if there are no alternative treatment methods or they are ineffective. The most effective and prescribed antibiotics for acne treatment are: Tetracycline; Erythromycin; Minocycline; Doxycycline and Clindamycin.
For the treatment of acne, Tetracycline antibiotic should be taken in the morning and evening. Acne therapy has to be initiated with one Tetracycline 500mg pill, 2 times a day. When the effect is achieved and the skin gets pure, the daily dose of Tetracycline antibiotic has to be reduced twice. Tetracycline is one of the few oral antibiotics, which can be prescribed for acne treatment in teenagers over 9 years old. However this antibiotic is contraindicated for acne therapy in pregnancy.
Unlike Tetracycline antibiotic, Erythromycin antibiotic for acne treatment can kill bacteria, providing pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and reducing redness in the affected parts of epidermis. In order to reduce risk of nausea and indigestion, Erythromycin antibiotic is better to be taken with meals. For the treatment of mild and moderate acne, it is recommended to take one Erythromycin 250mg pill, 2 times a day. For the treatment of severe acne, the daily dose of Erythromycin should be 2 times increased (one Erythromycin 500mg pill, 2 times a day).Read More

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