How to cure erectile dysfunction? | HealthInfi - HealthInfi | We Secure Your Health

Sunday 3 December 2017

How to cure erectile dysfunction? | HealthInfi

Erectile dysfunction is partial or complete absence of erection, which hinders to have the fullest sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction may occur at any age and due to various reasons. These are: psychological trauma consequences, disorders of the CNS, cardiovascular and (or) endocrine system. Erectile dysfunction negatively impacts on the life quality of men, reducing their self-esteem and causing chronic depression. Up to date there are several methods to cure erectile dysfunction.

Pharmacotherapy to cure erectile dysfunction

The most effective and popular drugs to cure erectile dysfunction are those of the group of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5). These drugs are Vardenafil (Levitra, Zhewitra, Levaril); Sildenafil (Viagra, Kamagra, Viprogra); Tadalafil (Cialis, Forzest, Tadalista).
PDE5 inhibitors help to eliminate one of the main causes of violated erection – insufficient blood supply to the penis. Under the influence of medications the smooth muscles are getting relaxed, blood vessels dilate and blood flows into the penis in sufficient amount. As a result, qualified erection arises, helping to conduct satisfactory sexual intercourse.
In order to ED medications would act, man needs to have sexual stimulation. Despite the fact that Vardenafil, Sildenafil, Tadalafil have similar pharmacological properties, each of them has its own peculiarities. For instance, Sildenafil starts acting later than Tadalafil. Besides, one should also take into account the individual susceptibility of the body when choosing the drug. Thus, some men may find Sildenafil as the most effective for themselves, the others might prefer Vardenafil, the third might like Tadalafil the most. Any man can choose the most suitable ED drug on his own.
Vardenafil, Sildenafil, Tadalafil are meant for oral intake, so they are very handy to use. There are different pharmaceutical forms: solid, soft, chewable, effervescent tablets and oral jelly. Therefore each man can choose an optimal release form of drugs to cure erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction can be caused by hormonal imbalance: insufficient testosterone and excessive amount of female hormones prolactin and estrogen. These men suffer from erectile dysfunction, associated with the lack of sexual desire. In order to enhance androgen level in the body, doctors prescribe synthetic analogue of testosterone in tablets for oral use or in form of injections (Sustaretard, Androral). When androgen level comes to norm, patient should stop taking the drug. Testosterone monotherapy has more positive effect on libido, but not always improves erectile function.

Vacuum pumps to cure erectile dysfunction

Vacuum pumps stimulate rise of erection by using negative pressure on the penis. Man places his penis into pump and firmly presses the reservoir to the body. The pump creates negative pressure, which dilates penile arteries and provokes erection. Once the erection is there, man puts on the base of the penis an elastic bandage, preventing the blood outflow from cavernous bodies. Drawbacks of vacuum pumps are certain inconveniences in use and poor quality erection.

Intracavernous injection of drugs to cure erectile dysfunction

This method presumes injection (for example Caverject, Edgy) into cavernous body of the penis prior sexual act. The drug causes local vasodilation and provokes qualitative erection. Intracavernous injection of drugs to cure ED is kind of complicated method. Not every man can make self-injection into his penis. Besides, applying injections more than once a week may cause sclerosis of the cavernous tissue. Usually this group of drugs cause priapism, in other words painful erection, which has nothing to do with sexual arousal.Read More

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