What It Means To Be Thankful For Your Health - HealthInfi | We Secure Your Health

Friday 10 November 2017

What It Means To Be Thankful For Your Health

Think back to the last time you had a major cold or flu the last time you had a fever and body aches so bad your hair hurt. The thousand daggers in your throat, the puffy, burning eyes, the roaring headache, the plugged sinuses and clogged lungs, the crippling fatigue. In the throes, you likely couldn’t imagine (as most of us do) what it was ever like to be healthy.

You could scarcely remember what life had been like three days ago when you were lifting weights, lifting your kids, laughing at work, entertaining at home, sleeping soundly. Fast forward, and it’s a Bermuda Triangle of mental discouragement and physical misery. And this is just a cold or flu (Many people deal with so much worse) Still, it’s a relatable illustration of an all too common truth: we tend to take our health for granted until it’s suddenly gone

When I was a kid, my mom used to tell me, “Good health is the ultimate wealth.” I agreed with that sentiment. Yet, I received mixed messages as a tween and teenager about health. Adults told me to take care of my body, eat a balanced diet, and get enough exercise. But there was a problem with this sentiment.

My peers and most of the women in my family were focused more on appearance than health. Plus, every magazine I picked up in the grocery store featured thin white women on the covers. I wanted to be “healthy,” but the messages I internalized didn’t focus on health. I equated love, belonging, and success with being beautiful and thin.

My obsession with becoming thin started when I was a tween. I came down with the flu and was absent from school for a few weeks. I lost about 15 pounds, along with my energy and strength. When I went back to school, I couldn’t believe what my peers told me. They said, “Oh, Tammy you look so good!”

I remember feeling shocked. I had been ill and still didn’t feel 100%, yet everyone thought I looked good. I felt like something was wrong with my body. That’s when I began to equate being thin with social acceptance, and I developed an eating disorder. It took me two decades to realize that my values should not include thinness or body type. It wasn’t until I was in my late twenties that I began to love my body no matter what it looked like. I also shifted my focus toward building good health through physical and emotional strength.

Building emotional and physical strength is extremely important to me, especially in the context of my past history and new diagnosis. In February 2016, I was diagnosed with arthritis and degenerative disc disease in my lower back. Both my doctor and physical therapist told me that I needed to build my strength to regain my health.

Today, I’m going to share the action steps that have enabled me to gain strength over the past eight months. Please remember, the action steps I’m going to share are specific to my body and wellness plan. My plan may or may not be right for your situation. If you’re struggling with a health challenge, consult a licensed healthcare professional to create a wellness plan that’s right for you.

With that caveat, let’s dive into the actions that have helped me the most since February.

Moving my body and facing fears

Earlier this year, I joined the Rogue Valley Masters Swim Team. Getting up early and swimming with the team is one of the best choices I made in 2016 because, in conjunction with physical therapy, swimming helped me build strength and regain my confidence. In addition, I became curious about Cross Fit because some of my friends and family members are Cross Fitters. Their adventures made me wonder if I could lift weights. However, I was really scared to try CrossFit because of my back issues.

After telling my cousin Aubrey about my fears, I realized that I needed to give CrossFit a try. Earlier this year, she was in a horrible cycling accident, and I’ve been inspired by the progress she’s made since her time in the hospital. Aubrey is living at home with her folks, working hard in physical therapy and going to CrossFit!

Aubrey encouraged me to call the local CrossFit gym and have a conversation with the coaches. She told me to see if the gym would be a good fit for me and my health issues before I dismissed the idea. Aubrey also explained that good CrossFit coaches modify exercises based on ability and their aim isn’t to injure people.

After I had talked to Aubrey, I called the CrossFit gym in Yreka and spoke with Mykala a coach and the gym’s co-owner. She was so helpful and kind! Hearing her talk about safety, form, and the broad range of individuals she’s worked with made me feel comfortable and safe. So, on September 16, 2016, I did my first CrossFit workout. The workout kicked my ass, and I was incredibly sore, but my back felt great.

Since mid-September, I’ve been attending CrossFit classes. The support and encouragement I’ve received have been invaluable. The classes are small, which is perfect for me. There is so much to learn, and I feel comfortable asking questions. Also, I appreciate how focused the coaches are on form and safety. Sure there is a risk that I’ll hurt myself, but that’s true for any kind of activity. As 
long as I listen to my body and communicate my limits, I know I’ll be okay.......... Read More......

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