Natural Antibiotics | HealthInfi - HealthInfi | We Secure Your Health

Saturday 25 November 2017

Natural Antibiotics | HealthInfi

We used to think that antibiotics are semi-synthetic substances, prescribed to cure infectious diseases that are caused by bacteria and fungi. But antibiotic drugs are not just tablets and injections, there are also natural antibiotics that are found in plants. In some cases natural antibiotics are more effective than semi-synthetic antibiotic drugs, produced by pharmaceutical companies.

Benefits of natural antibiotics

* You know that antibiotics have negative effect on the immune system, since they destroy both pathogen organisms and good organisms, necessary for normal functioning of all internal organs in the human body. That is why the most common antibiotics side effects are intestinal fungal infection and indigestion. While natural antibiotics have positive effect on functionality of gastrointestinal tract.
* Under the influence of semi-synthetic antibiotics, the immunity is decreased, so the body is not able to fight against infection. Natural antibiotics destroy hazardous micro-organisms only. Unlike regular antibiotics, natural antibiotics strengthen the immune system and thus can be used as a preventive measure.
* Some time ago, semi-synthetic antibiotics were prescribed very often, but it turned out, that the more often patient takes these drugs the more resistant micro-organisms become to these drugs. But natural antibiotics do not cause microbial resistance, still effectively fighting against them for millenniums.
* Unlike semi-synthetic antibiotic drugs, natural antibiotics almost have no side effects and contraindications for use, since they are natural substances. Natural antibiotics can be administered even to newborns and pregnant women, though natural antibiotics are rarely used in these type of patients.
* Usual antibiotics are effective against bacteria and fungi, yet cannot fight viruses. While natural antibiotics activate the immune system and help to cope with any infection.
* Natural antibiotics are cheaper than usual antibiotics, they are available without prescription. The thing is that natural antibiotics are found in herbs, fruit, vegetables, available at any supermarket.

Natural antibiotics:


This vegetable is found in every fridge, but not all onion fans know that this product is also a powerful natural antibiotic. Onions contain a lot of nutrients: vitamins (B, PP, C, A), minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) and essential oils. Onion contains phytoncides – substances with bactericidal and anti-fungal effect. In particular, phytoncides kill the Diphtheria and tubercle bacillus of Koch. Just one piece of onion can kill all the hazardous microbes in the mouth cavity. Fresh onions are used to cure colds, flu, rhinitis and sore throat. Fresh onion mush applied to the burns, can reduce the pain and irritation of the skin, preventing blisters and infection.


Camomile tea is tasty and healthy drink. Camomile is considered to be the most powerful natural antibiotic. It contains oleic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, salicylic acid and stearic acid; carotene, vitamin C and essential oils. Camomile has antibacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. Therefore camomile is widely used in medicine for treatment of cardiovascular diseases, nervous disorders and any inflammatory processes, as well as in cosmetic procedures.Read More

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