Mrsa Antibiotic Resistance Mechanism | HealthInfi - HealthInfi | We Secure Your Health

Saturday 25 November 2017

Mrsa Antibiotic Resistance Mechanism | HealthInfi

MRSA is a dangerous infectious disease caused by resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus (Golden Staph.). Full name of this disease is Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection.
Different types of antibacterials (except drugs included in the group of beta-lactam antibiotics) can be used to treat resistant staph infection. It should be noted that about half of all drugs used to treat bacterial infections are beta-lactam antibiotics. Therefore, to choose antibiotics for MRSA is much more difficult than for the treatment of other types of bacterial infections. When treating MRSA, it is important to choose antibiotics that work, help quickly get rid of the infection and prevent transmission of dangerous bacteria from an infected person to healthy people.
Before starting antibiotic therapy, it is necessary to find out what tissues and organs are already infected with Staphylococcus aureus. In cases if strains of staph infect blood, heart, bone tissue, skin, or lower respiratory tract, intravenously (IV) drugs for MRSA can be administered. IV antibiotics are used to treat severe MRSA in patients who have failed to respond to other drugs. IV injections or Vancomycin infusions (Vancoled, Vancor, Vancocin, Lyphocin) are used as the first-line therapy of MRSA.
For successfully MRSA cure, this IV antibiotic can be administered in combination with other antibacterials from the rifamycin group (e.g., Rifapentine, Rifampin, Rifabutin) or aminoglycoside group (e.g., Gentamicin, Kanamycin, Neomycin, Paromomycin, Spectinomycin, Streptomycin, Tobramycin).
Unfortunately, not all patients with MRSA manage to cure a dangerous infectious disease after the first course of antibiotic therapy. For the re-treatment of MRSA, IV infusions of antibiotics Linezolid, Daptomycin or Tigecycline can be used. All the listed antibiotics for MRSA really work and help quickly to stop the development of infection. However, very often, MRSA is complicated by other types of bacterial infections. In such cases, patients should be prescribed with drugs containing several antibacterial agents. Advantage of antibacterial cocktail drugs is that their active ingredients have different mechanisms of action. Therefore, drugs for MRSA containing two antimicrobial agents have an extended range of antibacterial activity.
One of the most prescribed combination antibiotics for MRSA is Synercid. This injectable drug includes antibacterial agents Dalfopristin and Quinupristin.
It should be noted that injection therapy of MRSA is very effective, but is very expensive. Therefore, many patients have to use cheap oral antibiotics for MRSA treatment.
Some of the most effective oral drugs for MRSA are Bactrim, Cotrim, Septra, Sulfatrim, Sulmeprim (contain antibacterial agents Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole), as well as Zyvox oral tablets (contain antibacterial agent Linezolid). Less effective oral antibiotics for MRSA treatment are Clindamycin (Cleocin, Calindamin, Clindamyk), Erythromycin (Erymax, ERYC, Eryped, Erythrolar). Particular attention should be paid to oral antibacterials from the group of quinolones (such as, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Ofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Gemifloxacin). Drugs of this group have a bactericidal effect. Therefore, they can be administered to treat MRSA in patients with bacteremia.Read More

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