Birth Control Pills Online Prescription | HealthInfi - HealthInfi | We Secure Your Health

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Birth Control Pills Online Prescription | HealthInfi

How to Use Birth Control Online Prescription Pills?

Many women and men know about different birth control online prescription pills but do not how to use them. Here you can find descriptions and guidelines for the use of different birth control pills for women and men.
It is better to start using birth control online prescription pills the first day of menstruation – only pills act immediately. In the case of admission on the fifth day of menstruation, it is better to apply additional measures of protection. Women with irregular periods may start oral contraceptives on the first day of the cycle, being assured in the absence of pregnancy.
In the absence of lactation, start taking birth control online prescription pills only 21 days after the baby delivery. Breastfeeding and oral contraceptives should be deferred for six months.  After an abortion, the use of birth control pills to start a day is necessary for its implementation.

The standard mode of using hormonal birth control online prescription pills

The drugs are taken daily for 21 days, followed by a seven-day break, then continues the reception of a new package. Menstrual bleeding takes place during the rest of the pills.
Mode 24 + 4 is typical for contraceptive birth control online prescription pills that contain 24 hormonal and 4 inactive pills. The tablets are used daily without interruption.
Birth control pills consist of receiving means comprising only “active” birth control online prescription pills (continuously for more than one packaging). Common is the three-cycle mode – taking 63 pills when monophasic preparations are followed with a 7-day break.
The basic rule in the case of missing taking birth control online prescription pills:
  • Take as soon as possible missed tablet;
  • The remaining tablets to take the usual time for the reception;
  • If you missed taking one or two tablets, or launched a new package for one or two days – take a pill necessarily. There is a risk of pregnancy;
  • Skipping three or more pills in the first 2 weeks of treatment, or launched a new package for three days – take a pill. Use barrier methods of contraception for 7 days. If, within 5 days there was a sexual act, use emergency contraception;
  • Skipping three or more tablets during the third week – take the tablet as soon as possible. If the pack contains 28 tablets, not to accept the last seven tablets. Break do. Use barrier methods of contraception for 7 days. If, within 5 days there was a sexual act, use emergency contraception.

At what age to use birth control online prescription pills?

Periods of a woman’s life is divided into adolescence – from 10 to 18 years, early reproductive – up to 35 years, late reproductive – up to 45 years, and peri-menopausal – lasts 1-2 years from the last menstrual period. It is desirable to start contraception in adolescence, of course, if it is needed. In recent years, the decline in the age of first pregnancy and childbirth, and the frequency of abortion at a young age increases.
Most effective for adolescents, according to WHO, recognized combined birth control online prescription pills containing low doses of steroids, and third-generation drugs containing progestogens. It is best suited to teenagers with three-phase media: Triziston, Trikvilar, as well as single-phase products – Mersilon, Silest, Marvelon – that regulate the menstrual cycle.Read More

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