Antibiotics For Bacterial Infection | HealthInfi - HealthInfi | We Secure Your Health

Saturday 25 November 2017

Antibiotics For Bacterial Infection | HealthInfi

Antibiotics were developed over 70 years ago. At the moment, there are many effective and most importantly, safe antibiotics. Despite this, some new antibiotics appear from time to time and they are as effective as well-studied antibiotics.
New antibacterial drugs appear all the time; hence, it is always difficult to choose the proper medication. Before you start using antibiotics, you need to make sure the disease was caused namely by a bacterial infection.
Antibiotics should be used for bacterial infection only. If a disease is caused by viruses or fungi, then you should take antiviral or antifungal drugs. To reveal causes of the disease, medical examination and a couple of laboratory tests may be necessary.
The choice of proper antibiotics allows to cure a disease in minimum time.

Before you buy antibiotics for bacterial infection, you should estimate the following factors:

  • Type of bacterial infection
  • Severity of the disease
  • Presence of comorbidities
Actually, pharmacokinetic characteristics and price of antibiotics are no less important factors when choosing the right medication. Usually, the price on new antibiotics is quite high. Antibacterial drugs, developed over 25-30 years ago are much cheaper, but they are sometimes not as effective as new drugs.
Different types of bacteria are always there in the human body. The largest quantity of bacteria lives in the gastrointestinal tract. The majority of them are safe and some are even good for health (like prebiotics).
Antibiotics for bacterial infection, located in intestines may differ by their effectiveness. People should carefully choose antibiotics, because some of them can kill both harmful and good bacteria.
The center of infection may be located in the respiratory tract. Antibiotics for bacterial infection in throat should be used as soon as the first typical symptoms of the disease occur. Harmful bacteria can cause sore throat, cough and suppuration.
Inflammation of pulmonary tissue (pneumonia) may run as an independent disease or as a complication of other diseases. The choice of antibiotics for bacterial infection in lungs depends on the type of causative agent and the disease severity. For the treatment of pneumonia, antibiotics are used in the complex with UV light, physiotherapy, vibrating massage and paraffin.

Types of antibiotics for bacterial infection

Many people ask one question – What are the types of antibiotics and how do they work? The main principle of action of antibiotics lies in lessening of total number of harmful bacteria. In addition, antibacterial drugs are prescribed to rapidly suppress the bacteria activity.
Harmful microbes can live inside the body or on the skin. Antibiotics for bacterial infection in the blood may be used in sepsis (blood infection). This type of drugs can normalize the blood pressure and work of the cardiovascular system.Read More

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