Successfully Resetting Your Exercise Mojo - HealthInfi | We Secure Your Health

Saturday 2 September 2017

Successfully Resetting Your Exercise Mojo

I know. It’s NOT the new year but I can’t help it. September feels like it might as well be.
And you know what happens over the summer. We get complacent. Lazy, even. The long days stretch out and all we want to do is luxuriate in the extra light and lounge as if we’re lying on the beach (even if we’re not). It’s not a bad laziness, but rather a type of laissez-faire, laissez le bon temps rouler time of year. (Like my French? That’s about the extent of it.)
As much as I abhor routines, I do realize the value they have. They help keep you on track; help you plan and stay accountable to yourself. They make you feel organized, in a way. And since I score a solid “B” in organization, I need all the help I can get. When September hits, many of us realize at least I did that some routines just need to be resurrected.
One of the most common routines to lose during the summer is our exercise routine. And if you’re searching for a way to get it back you’re welcome.
In the past 48 hours of writing this post I have heard, or seen, someone mention that they lost their mojo. To me, that was a sign from the universe. “What did the universe say?” you ask. It told me to ax the planned post related to eating in favor of helping you get your mojo back. If you never had a mojo, then let’s help you start one.
I dedicate this post to a new friend who has been struggling with what life has thrown at her, but who is starting to heal and transform her life. I also dedicate this post to my work colleague who, based on seeing me go through my weight loss journey, reached out to me for help in getting her mojo back.
The stories they each shared with me is between us. What follows, however, are thoughts that came to mind after leaving the office of my colleague. Each of these women inspired me. I hope this inspiration helps you, and them. Read More...

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