Does Sexy Have An Expiration Date? - HealthInfi | We Secure Your Health

Saturday 2 September 2017

Does Sexy Have An Expiration Date?

We think the answer is a resounding NO!! Yet the perceptions of women over a certain age is that their sexiness does expire (just ask Hollywood actresses) and many women stop thinking of themselves as sexy and sensuous as they grow older.
The evening will start with an hour of wine, snacks, and mingling, featuring our exhibitor sponsors, followed by our program which will have two panel sessions that will engage womenin having a conversation about society’s perceptions of growing older. The evening will include fabulous raffle prizes that will benefit.
American Apparel known for taking bold moves in their advertising campaigns recently released a promotional image that caused a media frenzy. The trending image which was released on their Instagram and Facebook page showed Jacky O’Shaughnessy, a 62 year old woman wearing a bandeau bra and high-waist underwear made of see-through lace with he title ‘Sexy has no expiration date!’.
Although the image isn’t as controversial as some of their past advertising campaigns, it was still unconventional to say the least. It was a strong reminder to the world and women in particular that beauty not only comes in all shapes and sizes but it doesn’t have an expiration date!
The time-less beauty initially modelled for American Apparel back in 2012 for their aptly named ‘Advanced Basics’ range. In an interview with Fashionista, the mature New Yorker commented saying ‘I’ve read so many times that modelling is vapid at best. I found it to be engaging and creative. It requires energy and an ability to communicate without words.’
 Susan Sarandon has caused a bit of a social media stir recently. The 69-year-old actor chose to attend the Screen Actors Guild Awards in an outfit which accentuated and revealed her beautiful bosom.Read More...

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